Variable speed system driven by frequency converter

Variable speed system driven by frequency converter, for the pressure control in domestic and residential plants.
The system is connected to the delivery pipe providing for simple installation and better cooling (patented) making the unit more compact and easy to assemble.
Easymat is supplied with one pressure transducer, G 1/4 connection and 1.5 m cable length.
Automatic frequency inverter control for use on pumps to increase network pressure.
The system maintains constant pressure whilst the controlling the pump operation against changing system demand.
For protection of the pumps:
– Against dry running
– Against operations with closed connection ports
– Against overcurrent of the motor
– Against overvoltage and undervoltage of the power supply
Operating conditions
– Input voltage: 1~ 230V ±10%
– Output voltage: 1~ 230V
– Input voltage: 1~ 230V ±10%
– Output voltage: 3~ 230V
Input frequency: 50-60 Hz
Output frequency: up to 70 Hz
Protection: IP 55
Max Ambient temperature: 40°C
Max liquid temperature: 40 °C
Minimum Flow: 3 l/min
Altitude: no higher than 1000 m, inside a closed environment.
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