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On the way back from the Far East and departing for South Africa where a new branch of the company is starting
“As always, it starts from an existing cooperation with local distributors” explains Francesco Majolo, sales manager.  “Sometimes a spark ignites and the necessary conditions are set for a more consolidated relationship.  In such conditions, Calpeda participates in the equity capital of the distributor and a counting house is structured for sales, maintenance, and some minor assemblage.  With our South African distributor for instance, there’s a partnership that has been lasting for 30 years.”
What is the importance of having a local branch of the company?
You can directly control and guarantee to that specific market a closer reference point.  In the South African case, the objective with this branch is that of creating a regional branch for subequatoriale Africa.
Today Calpeda is present throughout the world.  Are there areas that you are aiming to?
South America is a medium term objective; we lack a presence the United States and Canada due to a difference in electrical and mechanical standards.
Which characteristics are valued abroad in Calpeda products?
Our products are acknowledged for quality and are positioned in a high range.  Our clients are well aware of the surplus value in the product that they are buying.  This is the reason we are selling also in China.  When our retailers come to visit Calpeda in Italy, they remain especially impressed by the productive methodology of the company.
You travel often.  How important is it to maintain a close relationship with your branches and distributors?
Each country has different necessities and an individual outlook.  For this reason it is important to be present, and to be capable of entering the hosting nation in such a way that it can be a business for both. It is our purpose to establish relationships of trust and mutual acquaitance, which are fundamental to face common challenges.

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