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Putting themselves at the service of research and contributing to technological innovation is a characteristic that is in the DNA of Calpeda. From this the recent collaboration with CNR Florence has come about.

Francesco Meneguzzo, researcher at the Biometeorology Institute, chose to refer to Calpeda to develop his innovation. The pumps used have the Calpeda plate and Calpeda also gave the technical support, know how, data and information, which allowed the project to be realised.

The innovation consists of a heating technology that can produce thermal energy by exploiting the cavitation, phenomenon usually considered harmful to pumps and plumbing.

Among the possible applications, heating for agricultural greenhouses, swimming pools, pasteurizing of alimentary liquids, these as well as any industrial application requiring the use of heating.

It’s about a closed hydraulics circuit, where one or several centrifugal pumps circulate the liquid, for example water or a mix of various liquids.

The careful choice for the model of pumps, the geometry of the circuit and the other mechanical solutions for the primer and the optimization of the processes of cavitation allow for a production of thermal energy without any of the decline in performance typical of systems using heated contact surfaces, like boilers with pilot light or electric resistors. The system allows the maximum possible efficiency for an autonomous system, with performance independent of environmental conditions and operating temperature.

As well as having a superior energy efficiency “on principle”, the application is decidedly low cost for any other autonomous heat generating system compared to the use of diesel fuel, even for the reduced cost agricultural one, as well as gas now thanks also to the tendency to lower the price of electricity.



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